Platinum Aquatic Frog

Platinum Aquatic Frog

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Platinum Aquatic Frogs

Platinum African dwarf frogs, Hymenochirus boettgeri, are also known as Zaire dwarf clawed frogs, or platinum / white aquatic frogs and are very common nowadays in the ornamental fish trade.

African dwarf frogs live their entire lives underwater but need to rise to the surface to breathe air because they have lungs, so care should be taken to allow for this in the aquarium - do not house in a fish tank taller than 18" (so they can reach the surface) and leave a gap between the water level and lid. They can prey upon smaller fish species so be careful not to house with anything it can fit in its mouth as it grows. House with peaceful tankmates - do not house with larger aggressive fish species either.

Platinum aquatic frogs are suitable for housing with bottom-feeders, and are safe with plants. Hiding places such as caves and perching places such as rocks are highly recommended though not essential.

Approx. size: 1-2"
Maximum size: 6"
Origin: Africa
Family: Pipidae
Temperament: Peaceful
Ideal number kept together: 1+

Water Conditions
Our conditions: pH 7.5
Ideal pH: 6.0–8.0
Hardness: KH 4-10
Water flow: low/moderate
Temperature: 22–26 °C

Ease of Care
Moderate. Platinum aquatic frogs are very hardy but need to reach the surface to breathe. Prone to escaping, ensure they are housed with a secure lid, but well ventilated. For the well being of the frog, it is not recommended that they are handled, especially by young children. Can mistaken smaller fish for food.

Omnivore - The main food we recommend would be blood worm, small granules, and other sinking food. Mixing in some live or frozen brine, or other fresh alternatives can help enhance their health.

Peaceful, house with other peaceful fish but avoid nipping crabs or crayfish. Frogs have poor eyesight, and are generally OK with shrimp and snails.

Not very easy common in captivity. African dwarf frogs mate in amplexus, during which the male grabs the female around the abdomen just in front of her back legs. The female becomes motionless and her front limbs may twitch sporadically. Amplexus usually happens at night after one or more nights of humming by the male. During amplexus, the female swims, laying eggs on the surface of the water, one at a time, whilst towing the male. She swims to the bottom between layings. The male fertilizes the eggs during this time by releasing sperm into the water. Amplexus can last for several hours. When the female has laid all her eggs she signals the male once more by going motionless, and after several minutes, the male releases the female and she returns to her normal behavior.

Life Span
They can live to 5+ years in perfect conditions.

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